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The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  613623
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شكرا The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  829894
ادارة المنتدي The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  103798
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The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  613623
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شكرا The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  829894
ادارة المنتدي The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  103798
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 The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop

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كاتب الموضوعرسالة

ذكر عدد المساهمات : 34923
نقاط : 160119
السٌّمعَة : 1074
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2009
الموقع : http://www.autoformer.net/

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop    The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Dc3srhibiyuaw8ppyxj6الثلاثاء أبريل 26 2011, 20:26

Final Product What You'll Be Creating

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Supernovatut1sm600

Step 1 – Giant Planet

We will start up by creating the foreground main character the big
ringed planet, and we will do this using this texture, so follow the
link up there for the planet texture and download it.

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow1

Ok once you have it open it in Photoshop and duplicate the layer and rotate the copy 190 degrees counter clock wise.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow2
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow3

Set this new layer to overlay so we get nice intense colors and then merge the layers.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow4
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow5

Next up let’s apply a motion blur completely horizontal like shown below, and repeat the filter about 6 times.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow6
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow7
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow8

Ok perfect now let’s get creative, grab the smudge tool with a big soft brush as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow9
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow12

And let’s start smudging horizontally with a bit of wrist action so
we create some forms in our stripped texture and eliminate all
completely straight lines.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow10
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow11

Now let’s reduce the size of our brush a bit as shown here so we can
smudge some greater detail all over the texture, the screens here give
you some insight on how to do this but you are better off watching the
video for this part and then get creative yourself with the smudging.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow14
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow13
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow15

Perfect, once we are happy with the texture and have smudged out all traces of the motion filter let’s create a new layer.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow16

Once the layer it’s created, let’s sample a light blue from the canvas, and the custom brush indicated below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow17
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow21

Now let’s modify this brush a bit by adding some settings in the
brush palette. First of enable transfer and shape dynamics as shown
below and enable pen pressure for both opacity jitter and size jitter as
shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow18
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow19

Now let’s set up these settings for the brush tip shape. And as you
can see in the preview we are getting a nice cloudy looking brush.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow20

Ok now let’s start brushing some tiny clouds as shown below, riding
the streams of swift layers below and following these shapes.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow21
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow22

Ok right here you can see what I came up with, so now let’s give this
cloud a bit of a shadow so it looks a bit over the general surface of
the planet streams with the settings shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow23
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow24
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow25

Perfect, now sample some dark color from the image and let’s paint in
some darker spots over the cloud so it has more depth as shown here
with the same brush and settings.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow26
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow27

Now repeat the process in a couple of more cloud groups, but don’t overdo it; it’s just detail.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow28

Next grab the smudge tool back and smudge some wisps out of the cloud
edges as shown below, just to make them integrate just a bit with the
flows below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow29
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow30

Once we are satisfied let’s merge both layers back together.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow31

Now its time to create our final piece document and start working on
it so let’s do this size shown and fill the background with black.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow32
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow33
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow34

Perfect, now just copy and paste our texture on to this new document in a new layerThe Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow35

And now just scale it down within the borders of our new canvas.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow36
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow37

Next up let’s grab the elliptical marquee tool and drag a perfect
round selection holding shift and if needed scale it right to the edge
of the texture by right clicking on it and selecting "transform
selection" as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow38
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow39
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow40

Great, now invert the selection and delete whatever its outside so we have a perfect circle.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow41
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow42

Now let’s invert the selection back and spherize it so that we have
the planet look on our texture; now for gas giants like this I spherize
much less than usual for other planets so just apply the settings below
or experiment to your liking.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow44
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow45
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow46

Now that we are done with that let’s just scale it a bit and rotate
it if you want to give our composition something more dynamic.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow47
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow48

And finally let’s apply a levels adjustment layer to our planet with the settings below so we can create a shadow for it.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow49
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow50

Ok Now we have a dark planet all around so let’s grab a big soft
brush as shown and mask off the darkening effect using black as shown
below. And that gives us a nicely light exposed section of the planet.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow51
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow52

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

ذكر عدد المساهمات : 34923
نقاط : 160119
السٌّمعَة : 1074
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2009
الموقع : http://www.autoformer.net/

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop    The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Dc3srhibiyuaw8ppyxj6الثلاثاء أبريل 26 2011, 20:30

Step 2 – Sun Flare and Perspective Grid

Next up we will be creating a flare so that we know where the light
is coming from and also a perspective grid to keep our sights in the
right place. So first we need our big soft brush and less intense orange
such as this below and we will be continuously reducing the brush and
increasing the brightness and color.

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow54
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow57

So next up we reduce our brush a bit and select a muted yellow to add to the first orange stroke.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow55
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow58

And we keep adding the same process to the flare selecting a much brighter yellow and a much smaller brushThe Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow56
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow60

So we repeat the process as needed until we have what we want, but
remember right now we only want a flare to remind us of the position, we
will build on this much deeper later.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow61

Ok let’s move on and create a perspective grid to help us keep our
creations in place. We will need a new layer for this and then just
select the vanishing point filter.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow62
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow63

Now just click to create a 4 point grid and drag the corners until
you get something like this below. And then select render grids to
Photoshop so that the grid appears in our new layer.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow65
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow67
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow68

And there it is exactly as we traced it; now let’s just reduce the opacity a bit so it helps us but doesn’t intrude.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow69
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow70
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

ذكر عدد المساهمات : 34923
نقاط : 160119
السٌّمعَة : 1074
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2009
الموقع : http://www.autoformer.net/

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop    The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Dc3srhibiyuaw8ppyxj6الثلاثاء أبريل 26 2011, 20:35

Step 3 – Planet Rings

Now let’s create some rings for our planet; there are several ways to
do this, this one has a great deal of control over the look of the
rings and its pretty straight forward. So we will create a new document
with the settings shown below so we get big defined rings.

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow71
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow72

Now select a medium gray and fill your canvas with it.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow73
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow74

Ok now grab your circular shape tool and define a big circle that sits well within the edges of our document and center it.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow75

Ok now double click on the shape color and change it to black as shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Box
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow77

Perfect now to create our rings we will be using the outer glow and
inner glow in the layer style settings, so double click on the layer so
you get this. The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow78

Ok do no for the outer glow select a white to transparent simple
gradient, it is also included in the project files if you need it. And
then set the opacity size and quality contour as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow79
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow80

Now the custom contour its also included in the project files, but if
you wish to edit one yourself, just select any contour and then click
on the small thumbnail so you get this screen where you can drag and add
points to the curves and immediately see the changes in the rings.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow81

One you are finished with your experimenting with the curves then
apply these settings to the inner glow so you get more rings defined
inside the circle; load the custom contour or make another one you like.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow82

Ok now it’s very important to set the range and jitter for our
contours plus select the anti-aliasing option so we get smooth rings.
The range and jitter control for the quality of the contour affects the
appearance of the rings directly, you can test this and see the results
so you can choose the look of your rings.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow83

Ok then we need to duplicate the layer to keep it safe if we need to
modify something on the rings. Then hide the original layer and
rasterize the copy and create a new layer so we can merge both the copy
and the empty layer. This flattens everything in the layer styles.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow84
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow85
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow86

We now need to drag a circular selection over the center of the
resulting layer and transform it to fit perfectly centered inside the
rings; once this is set right click on the selection and choose feather
to apply a 50 px fade to it. Then just delete the center.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow87
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow88
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow89

Perfect now we can copy and paste the rings to our main document and set the layer mode to screen.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow90

Ok as rings are made from small particles, we will create this effect
by applying some grain to them, with the grain filter and the settings
shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow91
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow92

The resulting grain has much coloring and we need to eliminate this
so let’s desaturate our layer so we get only black and white information
as the result shows below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow93
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow94

Perfect we are finished with the effects now let’s scale and rotate our rings into place as I show below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow95
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow96
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow97

Once you have the rings in place drag the layer on top of the planet
and create a layer mask for it that we will use to mask off part of the
ring so it looks like it surrounds the planet. We need to mask off only
inside the circumference of the planet so make a selection of the planet
sphere by hitting Command/Ctrl + click on the planet layer thumbnail.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow98
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow100

And now with a big brush just mask off with black all the rings that would be behind the planet as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow101
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow102

Next let’s create some shadow for the rings too the same as we did
for the planet, so create a levels layer and select clipping mask so it
only affects the rings; then adjust the levels as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow103
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow104
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow105

Now we need a big soft brush to mask off the darkening effect from
the lit areas, so grab this brush and set the opacity of it about half
way down.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow106
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow107

Now just mask of everything but leave a shadow as shown below that
represents the planet shadow falling over the back section of the rings
as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow108
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow109

Ok now just to finish it up for now reduce the opacity of the rings a
bit so the appearance its a bit more subtle. And that is it for this
step.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

ذكر عدد المساهمات : 34923
نقاط : 160119
السٌّمعَة : 1074
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2009
الموقع : http://www.autoformer.net/

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop    The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Dc3srhibiyuaw8ppyxj6الثلاثاء أبريل 26 2011, 20:37

Step 4 – Blast Effects Perspective

To begin building up the main action of our image we will start up by
establishing a perspective and flow for this effect following the
perspective offered by our grid created previously. Ok grab the circular
selection tool and define a big selection inside the boundaries of our
image and create a new layer to start painting.

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow111
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow113

Then select a bright yellow as shown here and grab a fairly small brush like the one below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow114
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow115

Now paint some strokes in a circular pattern close to the center of
the selection and apply a radial blur with the settings shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow116
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow117
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow118

We get the results here, and we are going to increasingly build up on
it by repeating the process; painting more strokes and applying the
radial blur again, this time twice.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow119
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow120
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow121

And again let’s repeat the same steps, but this time let’s paint a
couple of concentric lines of strokes and then apply the radial blur
again 3 times.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow122
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow123

We will now modify the results of the last radial blur by accessing
the fade option and eliminating a bit of percentage of the last filterThe Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow124
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow125

You can see that by reducing the effect of the last filter we can
still see some of the circular brush strokes, which give a nice layered
blast look.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow126

Ok so now let’s use the distort tool to arrange the perspective and size of our blast into position as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow127
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow128

Once in place set this layer mode to screen, then duplicate the layer and set the copy layer mode to overlay.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow129
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow130
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow131

And this is what we have so far a nice blast base for us to build up around.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow132
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

ذكر عدد المساهمات : 34923
نقاط : 160119
السٌّمعَة : 1074
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2009
الموقع : http://www.autoformer.net/

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop    The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Dc3srhibiyuaw8ppyxj6الثلاثاء أبريل 26 2011, 20:38

Step 5 – Blast Cloud Structure

Next up we will be building up on what we have for the blast cloud
right now so for these we need a new layer and let’s pick up a nice
bright yellow plus one of our big custom brushes shown below.

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow133
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow134

Now let’s stamp a few times to get something we like.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow135

Then let’s pick up another brush and make a few additions like shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow136
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow137

Once we have something we are satisfied with for this stage, let’s
use the distort Command/Ctrl and modify it following the perspective
grid guide.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow138
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow139

Perfect, now let’s select yet another brush, this time we will add the settings shown below in the brush palette.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow140
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow141

Now just add some vertical cloudy strokes in the section shown here; you can undo and redo until you get something nice.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow142

Then I selected a couple of more brushes shown here and added a bit more all over the image.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow143
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow144

This is what I came up with so far we have a nice base structure to work with.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow145

It is time to add some personality and unique qualities to this cloud
structure, so grab the smudge tool with a brush and size as shown
below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow146
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow147

And now start smudging flow and detail all over the image as shown in red.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow148
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow149

Next we will need a new layer and yet another brush where we will stamp a new pattern to add to our work as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow150
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow151

And select this other brush and add a bit more variation.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow152

Ok once you are satisfied distort this layer into perspective the same way we did before.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow153
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow154

And once again let’s pick up this other brush and add some structures to the top as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow155
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow156

And then we simply grab the eraser with a big soft brush and erase some sections to give the sense of depth.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow157
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow158

Now we need to merge down all the layers we have been working on.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow159
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow160

Then its time to continue our smudging all over to increase what we
did before adding flow and detail all over the cloud; this process
benefits quite a bit from the video so you might want to take a good
look at it. Also indicated in green below I masked off softly the bottom
of the planet so it feel sitting inside the blast cloud.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow161
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow162
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

ذكر عدد المساهمات : 34923
نقاط : 160119
السٌّمعَة : 1074
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2009
الموقع : http://www.autoformer.net/

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop    The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Dc3srhibiyuaw8ppyxj6الثلاثاء أبريل 26 2011, 20:42

Step 6 – Color for the cloud

Ok so far we have been working with a mono tone cloud since that way
its easier to work with the smudge tool plus the flow and detail of the
texture; but now its time to add some color to our work. So let’s make a
gradient layer on top of the cloud layer and select the gradient I have
prepared for you shown below.

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow163
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow164

Then set the layer mode to multiply and adjust the gradient as shown
here, and drag the center of the gradient on top of the main light in
the canvas.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow165
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow166

Depending on what you see you might want to change color position a
bit or maybe you want to change them into something you prefer.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow167

Once the adjustments are ready, duplicate and rasterize the layer. Then hide the original.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow168
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow169

Ok next up we will grab the smudge tool once again and select a brush such as this below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow170
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow171

Now as you can see in these before and after picks, we will distribute the color following the flow of our base cloud.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow172
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow173

Now let’s add a couple of adjustment layers to control our gradient.
First create a hue saturation layer and add a clipping mask to it.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow174
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow175

Now adjust the settings for the layer as shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow176

Now let’s grab our paintbrush soft and big so we can mask off this layer effect from our image as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow177
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow178
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow179

Now we also need a color balance layer and adjust as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow180
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow181

And again we mask it off where we don’t want the effect to go through.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow182

And then one more layer this time a levels layer and adjust as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow183
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow184

We repeat the process masking of the effect where we don’t need it marked here in red.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow185

Now to pair up the ringed planet with the new colors, we must go down
to the planet adjustment layers and make some work there. Let’s first
add a hue saturation for the planet sphere layer and adjust as shown
here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow186
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow187

Now fill the layer mask completely with black so the effect disappears completely.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow188
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow189

And now with the same big soft brush and white we mask IN the yellow effect only where we need it as shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow190

Now select the levels layer we already have for the planet, and readjust as shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow191

Now go back to our original gradient fill layer, duplicate and rasterize it.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow192
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow193

Drag the layer all the way to the top and set its mode to screen.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow194
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow195

Now just reduce its opacity to 18%The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow196

And again grab our big soft brush and mask off this layer influence where we don’t need it as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow197
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow198

So let’s add first a hue saturation layer for the rings as shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow200
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow199

Then just adjust the settings as shown here which gives us the hue needed to pair it up with the image.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Box
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow203

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ذكر عدد المساهمات : 34923
نقاط : 160119
السٌّمعَة : 1074
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2009
الموقع : http://www.autoformer.net/

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop    The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Dc3srhibiyuaw8ppyxj6الثلاثاء أبريل 26 2011, 20:44

Step 7 – Small Planets

Ok for this next step we will be adding a couple of far away small
planets to enhance our composition. So first off let’s grab the ellipse
shape tool and define a big enough shape as shown here.

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow204
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow205

Then rasterize the layer and lock the pixels as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow206
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow207

Now let’s use these two brushes below to stamp some texture in our circular shape using black.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow208
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow209

Now by holding the Command/Ctrl key, click on the layer thumbnail to
make a quick selection of the circular shape and let’s go to the
spherize filter.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow210
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow211

Apply the filter twice with the settings shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow212
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow213

Now scale the result quite a bit and move it into position as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow214
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow215

Now we will need a couple of adjustment layers for the planet, let’s
start with a levels layer, and clip it to the planet as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow216
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow217

Then adjust the levels layer as seen hereThe Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow218

Now using a small soft brush let’s mask off the darkening effect of this layer, to create the light side of this planet.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow219
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow220

Next create a hue/saturation layer and adjust it as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow221
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow222

And then follow the process once again to create another small planet we will place at the right side.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow223
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow224

Here are both planets set and a cool addition to our image.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Box

Now let’s go to our top gradient layer and grab our elliptical lasso tool.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow226
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow227

Now define a shape behind the planet as shown here that points in the
opposite direction of the light source. And then right click on the
defined selection to apply feather to its border with a radius of 5
pixels.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow228
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow229
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow230

Once we have the selection feathered, grab the paintbrush back and set its size as shown, plus select a soft brush.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow231
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow232

Now just mask off with this brush on the gradient layer to get the effect shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Box

Repeat the same steps for the other planet as shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow234
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow235

And here we have it both planets with a nice shadow streak behind them.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow236

Now increase the opacity of the layer just a bit and grab our soft brush once again.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow237
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow238

With this brush just soften up the shadow as needed and eliminate the
brighter effect masking it of, behind the planet and where darkness
should remain as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Box
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow240
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ذكر عدد المساهمات : 34923
نقاط : 160119
السٌّمعَة : 1074
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2009
الموقع : http://www.autoformer.net/

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop    The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Dc3srhibiyuaw8ppyxj6الأربعاء أبريل 27 2011, 00:39

Step 8 – Stars

In this step we will be creating some nice stars for our image, and
we will do this with the help of yet another custom brush we are going
to make. So let’s make a new document 1000 by 1000 pixels and fill it
with black.

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow241
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow242

Now we will be using this soft brush here, and we will be varying the
size several times to get an array of different size stars. Ok let’s
start with a 5 px size and choose a completely white color.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow243
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow244

With this brush click some times over the canvas. I say click because
its easier to click in the same place several times which varies the
intensity of the dot; using the pen here will prove quite difficult.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow245

Now let’s change the size to something smaller and click some more stars.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Box
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow247

Now let’s increase the size and ad a couple of big stars.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Box
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow249

And once again change the size, and add some other stars, remember we
are building a brush so don’t over do it; the objective its to have a
brush that can produce a varied cluster of stars.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow250
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow251

Now we also need some tiny stars so let’s include those with a 1px brush.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Box
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow253

Ok one more time; this time with a 4px brush add some more stars.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow254
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow255

Ok we are done, once we have a nice varied distribution, invert the
image so its now black stars over a white back. Then select all of the
image.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow256
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow257

And then of course define the new brush preset, name it if you want and hit Ok.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow258
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow259

Now let’s go back to our main image and create a new layer for these stars.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow260

Now select a pure white color, find the star brush and select it.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow261
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow262

Easy enough start adding some stars on your image, mostly in the dark areas.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow263

And you can reduce the size a bit to get even more variation than
what the brush provides. Continue adding stars like shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow264
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow265

Now grab the eraser with a fairly small brush size and yes we are not
going to keep all the stars we will erase some of them as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow266
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow267

Perfect; remember stars don’t shine in front of planets that is just
wrong. Now grab the smudge tool once again with a tiny brush size as
shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow268
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow269

Yes yes even for this we have a use for the smudge tool. Drag some
bursts out of some stars, don’t over do it just a couple of stars here
and there will do.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow270
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow271

Here is what I came up with, a nice delicate star field that enhances our image yet it doesn’t distract much. The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Box

Ok now we will go through the process of adding some color grab a soft brush such as this one and a nice bright blue color.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow273
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow274

Ok now lock the pixels on this layer and start adding some color to the stars.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Box
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow276

Flip back to our previously used bright yellow and color some other stars.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow277
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow278

Now pick a slightly darker yellow and find a couple of stars to colorThe Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow279
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow280

Ok now just set this layer mode to hard light and duplicate the layer.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow281
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow282

Set this new layer to overlay instead.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow283

Now apply a bit of blur to this layer as shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow284

Perfect now let’s go back to the original star layer and desaturate
it so its all white again. So you see our new blurred layer provides a
hint of color while the original provides intensity. Much more
realistic.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow286
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow285

Ok now let’s merge both layers together and add a layer mask to it.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow287
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow288

Now you can mask off some of the stars here if you feel like or maybe
later. We have the stars elegantly filling up sections of our image so
let’s go on to the next step.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow289
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ذكر عدد المساهمات : 34923
نقاط : 160119
السٌّمعَة : 1074
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2009
الموقع : http://www.autoformer.net/

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop    The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Dc3srhibiyuaw8ppyxj6الأربعاء أبريل 27 2011, 11:24

Step 9 – Blast Enhancement

We will be now adding some extra effects to the main blast, yet first
we need to adjust our main planet once again, so find the planet layer
and add a new levels layer to it, plus drag it on top of the other two.

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow291

Then adjust this new levels layer as shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow292

And of course the rings layer also needs these new adjustments, so make a levels layer for it too and adjust as shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow293
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow294

Ok we are done with that; now let’s create a new layer and drag a fairly large circular selection where we will be working on.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow295
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow296

Now let’s grab our paintbrush again such as this one here with a
bright yellow color selected. Now paint some daubs in a circular manner
as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow297
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow298

Now just apply a radial blur to it with the settings shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow299
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow300

Then re-apply the blur again and paint in some more daubs.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow301
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow302

Apply the blur twice and paint in some more daubs, then repeat the
process as many times as you want until you get a nice effect that you
like.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow303
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow304

Once you are done with it let’s distort the whole thing as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow305
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow306

Now just move it into position as shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow307

Setup this layer to screen and create a new layer on top.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow308
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow309

Now just paint in a couple of bright yellow lines as shown here with
color sampled from the image, then go and select motion blur.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow310
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow311

Adjust the motion blur as shown here, and then paint in another set of lines to build up the effect.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow312
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow313

And apply the motion blur twice.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow314

Go ahead and repeat the process until you get what you want, in my case this is where I am at.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow315

Ok now let’s go with a new layer and sample some color from the image as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow316
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow317

Now just paint in some horizontal daubs as shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow318

Sample some other shade of yellow and paint in some more.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow319
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow320

And now we are back to the smudge tool with a brush and size as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow321
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow322

Set the layer to multiply and smudge left and right as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow323
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow324

This is the result you want to achieve here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow325

We will need yet another new layer and grab the gradient tool.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow326
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow327

Select the gradient here that I have setup for you and drag a medium circular gradient from the center of the blast.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow328
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow329

Set the layer to hard light; you should be getting the result below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow330
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow331

Now let’s apply a hue saturation adjustment to this layer with the settings shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow332
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow333

And here is the result we get for this step; it’s a subtle addition, yet quite effective.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow334

n/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="320" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true">
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ذكر عدد المساهمات : 34923
نقاط : 160119
السٌّمعَة : 1074
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2009
الموقع : http://www.autoformer.net/

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop    The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Dc3srhibiyuaw8ppyxj6الأربعاء أبريل 27 2011, 11:28

Step 10 – Ships

Ok time to add a couple of our ships passing by this scene. We will be creating this shape below for another custom brush.

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow335

Ok so we will be doing this with the pen tool, just defining the
shape for a simple ship as shown here, you might want to make a
different shape, or even skip this and use the already made brush, yet
its a nice thing to add in this learning process.

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow336
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow337

Just continue defining the shape as shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow338

Now change all the shapes color to black and if you used the base shape as guide, disable it.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow339
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow340

And then merge all the layers down and select all the canvas.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow341
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow342

Of course now define the brush preset.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow343
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow344

Ok now scroll down the brush list to find the new brush.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow345

Now go back to our main image and in a new layer stamp once a ship shape, and just flip it horizontally.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow346
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow347

Now let’s use the distort Command/Ctrl and reshape the shape a bit as shown below, just to point it in the right direction.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow348
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow349

Now we have to scale it down quite a bit as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow350
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow351

Ok we want another ship so just duplicate the layer and move the new ship to another position.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow352
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow353

Now lock the pixels in both layers so we can add a bit of highlights.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow354

Now going back to the paintbrush tool let’s select a small radius and
a soft brush plus a bright yellow if you don’t have it already.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Box
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow356

Add some subtle highlights as shown here to suggest some volume on the structure.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Box

Now using the polygonal lasso tool define a bit of a wing shaped bit to the side of the ship.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Box
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Box

And with the same soft brush add a highlight to it.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow360

Select a 1 px sharp brush and an intense blue color.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow361
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Box

Paint in some sharp blue windows for the shipThe Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow363

And here we are with a couple of ships highlighted and with some windows.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow364

Now we need a new layer and the gradient tool again.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow365
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow366

Then add a tiny circular gradient for each ship as shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow367

Set this layer mode to hard light.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow368

Once again let’s go back to the smudge tool with settings as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow369
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow370

Drag some streak out of our gradients to suggest both sped and engine activity.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Box

Finally select all this ship layers and scale them down a bit plus reposition as you like.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow372
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Box
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow374
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ذكر عدد المساهمات : 34923
نقاط : 160119
السٌّمعَة : 1074
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2009
الموقع : http://www.autoformer.net/

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop    The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Dc3srhibiyuaw8ppyxj6الأربعاء أبريل 27 2011, 11:48

Step 11 – Cloud Detail

This step its heavy brushing and smudging; so I can explain the
process yet you will greatly get a better idea from watching the video
after you have read through this step. First off we will be using the
smudge tool to increase and enhance the flow we already have so select
the tool and adjust the brush and its size as shown here.

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow376

Ok now here is a before and after image that will exemplify what we
will be doing here enhancing and adding to the existing flow of our
cloud.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow377
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow378

Ok now once we have gone through all of our cloud detailing the flows
and shapes we will then create a new layer to paint in detailed
highlights, so let’s grab now our paintbrush and a very small brush of
1px.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow379
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow380

Select a nice very bright yellow color.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow381

And in these screens here I exemplify what we will be doing all over
the image, which again the complete process lies on the video. We will
be adding wisps and highlights to each prominent feature that we have on
the cloud as marked with red arrows.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow382
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow383

We will go all over the image adding this new detailed trails.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow384

Once we have covered the whole image with these new details, its
time to smooth those a bit and blend them into the image so let’s grab
the smudge tool once again.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow385

And now with a very small brush just go over all our highlights and
integrate them as shown here. And with this we will conclude our step
which its quite more extensive that shown here so be sure to look at the
whole video so you can have a good grasp of what has been done.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow386
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow387
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

ذكر عدد المساهمات : 34923
نقاط : 160119
السٌّمعَة : 1074
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2009
الموقع : http://www.autoformer.net/

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop    The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Dc3srhibiyuaw8ppyxj6الأربعاء أبريل 27 2011, 11:57

Step 12 – Rings Blast Effect

Ok now all these blast energy its bound to have an effect on the ring
particles, so let’s create this effect. First of all we will need a new
layer so let’s create one on top.

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow388

Now grab the paintbrush again still with the bright yellow color we have been using and setup the brush as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow389
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow390

Simple enough now paint in some fast stripes over the rings as shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow391

Great; now of course let’s get back to the smudge tool and set its brush and size as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow392
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow393

Simply smudge out from the blast flow direction as shown here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow394

Now add more fast strikes on top of that and apply a motion blur with the settings shown below to add to the effect buildup.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow395
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow396
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow397

Ok here you start to see what we are aiming for. The influence of the blast on the rings is slowly building up.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow398

Let’s keep adding to this build up, painting in some more strokes as
shown here and then grabbing the smudge tool to smooth them into place.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow399
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow400

Now set the layer to hard light and you can see the result we have so far below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow402
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow403

Ok now we will grab the star brush we used before and adjust its settings in the brush palette as shown belowThe Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow404
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow405

Then setup the brush size as shown here and simply paint some streaks of particles as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow406
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow407

Now to increase the appearance of these particles let’s duplicate the layer and then merge both back together.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow408
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow409

Finally let’s erase some of these particles with a soft eraser tool
so we have streaks and variation in the particle stream. That is it we
have successfully finished this new step.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow410
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow411
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

ذكر عدد المساهمات : 34923
نقاط : 160119
السٌّمعَة : 1074
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2009
الموقع : http://www.autoformer.net/

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop    The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Dc3srhibiyuaw8ppyxj6الأربعاء أبريل 27 2011, 12:01

Step 13 – Final Adjustment Layers and Details

Ok we are at the ending step of our tutorial; now I usually go through
the image and see what detail is missing and what needs to be added. In
this case I spotted some detail that is missing so let’s go back to the
highlights layer shown here.

The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow412

Let’s grab our tiny 1px brush again and paint in some more highlights as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow413
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow414

Then of course smooth them out and integrate them into the image with the smudge tool as we did before.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow415
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow416

Great now let’s just make a couple of adjustment layers to finalize
our work. Let’s start with a photo filter and set it up as shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow417
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow418

This filter enhances the shadow areas, but we don’t need it on the
bright yellow section so with a big soft brush and using the layer mask
let’s mask off this layer influence from the red marked section shown
here.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow419

Perfect let’s now go ahead and create a levels layer with the settings shown below.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow420
The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow421

Now opposite to the other layer this one is to enhance the bright
area, so we will mask it off from all the shadow sections of the image.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow422

And here we have both layers with the corresponding masks to each.
You might have some last layers that you like to use in your images so
go ahead experiment and give it your final touch.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow424

And here is what I came up with after these final adjustments.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  ScreenFlow423

Final Image

Ok we have reached the end of this tutorial, hope you had some fun
and learned new techniques to use in your own art, hope to see you in
the next part of this series, and have lots of fun.The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop  Supernovatut1sm600
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The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop
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» Create Fire in Photoshop
» Create a Spherical 3D Puzzle With Photoshop
» Create a Desk Lamp Using Photoshop and Illustrator
» Create an Alien Invasion Photo Manipulation in Photoshop

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