الشرقاوي وافق
 UNIT 2 للثاني الثانوي 613623
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
شكرا  UNIT 2 للثاني الثانوي 829894
ادارة المنتدي  UNIT 2 للثاني الثانوي 103798
الشرقاوي وافق
 UNIT 2 للثاني الثانوي 613623
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
شكرا  UNIT 2 للثاني الثانوي 829894
ادارة المنتدي  UNIT 2 للثاني الثانوي 103798
الشرقاوي وافق
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


  UNIT 2 للثاني الثانوي

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

ذكر عدد المساهمات : 34923
نقاط : 160139
السٌّمعَة : 1074
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2009
الموقع : http://www.autoformer.net/

 UNIT 2 للثاني الثانوي Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: UNIT 2 للثاني الثانوي    UNIT 2 للثاني الثانوي Dc3srhibiyuaw8ppyxj6الخميس أكتوبر 13 2011, 00:26


Key Vocab:

commentary (n) تعليق explanation (n) تفسير
diplomat (n) شخص دبلوماسي imaginative (adj.) لديه القدرة علي التخيل
politician (n) شخص سياسي politics (n) السياسة
publish (v) ينشر represent (v) يمثل
ridiculous (adj.) سخيف steal (v) يسرق
tie (v) / ties (n.) يربط / روابط voyage (n) رحلة بحرية
giant (n) عملاق neighbouring (adj) مجاور
make fun of (v) يسخر من


Irish أيرلندي realize يدرك
science fiction خيال علمي discuss يناقش
(be) shipwrecked تتحطم به السفينة discussion مناقشة
capture يأسر diplomacy دبلوماسية
beat = defeat يهزم embassy سفارة
punish يعاقب ambassador سفير
punishment عقاب storm عاصفة
describe يصف enemy عدو
description وصف explain يشرح
foreign أجنبي favourite مفضل
foreigner شخص أجنبي publisher ناشر
character شخصية anger غضب
within في / في خلال relations علاقات
contact يتصل theft سرقة
argue يجادل sail يبحـر
probably من المحتمل modest متواضع
proposal عرض / اقتراح tale حكاية
make available يتيح / يوفر contain يحتوي علي
archaeologist عالم آثار attach يربط
string خيط / دوبارة iceberg جبل جليدي
include يتضمن / يشمل adventure مغامرة
employer صاحب العمل أو الشركة author مؤلف
employ يوظف tub حوض
employment العمالة boil يغلي
unemployment البطالة sink/sank/sunk يغوص / يغرق
mind يمانع / عقل a fight قتال
funny مضحك / غريب suffer from يعاني من
plough يحرث Ireland أيرلندا
web page صفحة علي الانترنت opposite عكس / مقابل
island جزيرة escape يهرب
frighten يخيف

Words and their antonyms:

meaningful له مغزي / مهم meaningless غير مفيد / بلا مغزي
imaginative لديه قدرة علي التخيل unimaginative غير قادر لي التخيل
complete كامل incomplete غير كامل
exciting مثير boring ممل
big كبير small صغير
high عالي low منخفض
rich غني poor فقير
wide واسع narrow ضيق
fat بدين thin نحيف
tall طويل short قصير
long طويل short قصير
happy سعيد unhappy غير سعيد
pass يمر fail يرسب / يفشل
asleep نائم awake مستيقظ
agree يوافق disagree لا يوافق
win بفوز lose يخسر
giant عملاق dwarf قزم


match … with يطابق ..مع run away يهرب
fight against يقاتل ضد interested in مهتم بـ
famous for مشهور بـ laugh at يسخر من
connect to يوصل بـ fall off a bike يسقط من علي الدراجة
fall to the ground يسقط علي الأرض work in politics يعمل بالسياسة
a favourite of مفضل لدي find out about يعرف عن
different from مختلف عن a storm at sea عاصفة في البحر
on the island علي الجزيرة frightened of خائف من
stop … from يمنع ..من tie … to يربط ..بـ
argue about يجادل بشأن argue for يدافع عن
belong to ينتمي الي speak for يتحدث بالنيابة عن
available for متوافر لـ a commentary on تعليق علي
opinion on/about رأي pleased with مسرور من
upset about منزعج أو متضايق بشأن at that time في ذلك الوقت
attach … with string يربط ..باستخدام دوبارة consist of يتكون من

Irregular Verbs:

bite/bit/bitten يعض bring/brought/brought يحضر
bleed/bled/bled ينزف broadcast/broadcast/
broadcast يذيع
blow/blew/blown يهب / ينفخ build/built/built يبني
break/broke/broken يكسر / ينكسر burn/burnt/burnt
burn/burned/burned يحرق/ يحترق
breed/bred/bred يربي (حيوانات) burst/burst/burst ينفجر

important Vocabulary for translation and composition:

great efforts جهود عظيمة / جهود كبيرة rights and duties الحقوق و الواجبات
supply and demand العرض و الطلب carry out projects ينفذ مشروعـات
does its best تبذل ما بوسعها make great progress يحقق تقدما عظيما
in all fields في جميع المجالات all over Egypt في كل أنحاء مصر
national income الدخل القومي raise the standard of living يرفع مستوي المعيشة

verb Noun adjective
Comment يعلق Comment تعليق
Commentary تعليق (علي حدث مثل مباراة مثلا)
Commentator معلق
diplomat دبلوماسي
diplomacy الدبلوماسية diplomatic دبلوماسي
imagine Imagination خيال imaginary خيالي / غير حقيقي
imaginative واسع الخيال
publish Publisher ناشر published منشور
Represent يمثل representation تمثيل
representative ممثل representative
neighbour جار neighbouring مجاور
neighbourly طيب / عطوف
mind عقل mental عقلي
body physical بدني / جسمي

Language Notes:

● Give a ring = phone
•لاحظ عدم استخدام حرف جر قبل كلمة home اذا جاءت مع هذه الأقعال
Go / return / arrive home

● Other + جمع ● another + مفرد
I need another cup of tea.
You should respect other people.

● Imagine + v+ing ●imagine that + جملة
I can't imagine living on the moon.
I can't imagine that he will pass the test.

● Listen to يستمع أو يصغي بانتباه
● Hear يسمع بدون قصد
He listened to the news on the radio.
She heard some noise outside.
Raise your voice, please. I can't hear you.

● Hear of / about يسمع عن شيء أو شخص
● hear from يتلقي أخبارا من (خطاب أو رسالة أو مكالمة)

•لاحظ استخدام الاسم بعد حرف الجر in فيما يلي
3 metres in height 5 inches in length 5 centimetres in depth

•وفي حالة عدم وجود حرف جر نستخدم الصفة
3 metres high 5 inches long 5 centimetres deep

● None + فعل جمع
Although I read many books, none (of them) were as useful as the one I borrowed from you.
•استخدام take للزمن بمعني يستغرق
It took me two hours to finish the homework.
How long does it take to do this job?

•تستخدم whose للسؤال عن الملكية
Whose book is that? = Who does that book belong to?

● Remember = يتذكر •remember about يتذكر عن
● Remind = make someone remember something يذكر

● as + adj. صفة + as = the same + n. اسم + as
● as big as = the same size as
● as long as = the same length as

•لاحظ استخدام صفة بعد How والاسم بعد What
● How + adj. = What + n. ● How old …? = What age…?
● How tall…? = What height…? ● How long…? = What length…?
● How big…? = What size…? ● How wide…? = What width…?
● How far …? = What distance …?

● at the end (of) غالبا يأتي بعدها الاسم
● in the end يأتي بعدها جملة أو تأتي في نهاية الجملة
My house is at the end of this street.
We went shopping and visited some friends. In the end, we went home.

● It + (be) + adj. + to+inf.
It is funny to read about the small people of Lilliput.

•لا تستخدم the قبل كلمة next اذا جاءت بعدها كلمات تدل علي الزمن
next week / next summer
•تستخدم the قبل كلمة next اذا جاءت بعدها اسم
The next book I'm going to read is Gulliver's Travels.

•لاحظ استخدام فعل مفرد بعد أسماء الكتب حتي لو كان الاسم يدل علي الجمع:
Gulliver's Travels is a funny novel.
● The reason why + جملة
● The reason for + n. / V+ing
The reason why he came late was that he missed the bus.
The reason for his absence was that he was ill.

•لاحظ استخدام التصريف الثالث لبعض الأفعال كصفة
A broken window a stolen car
A written test a used book
•هناك كثير من الكلمات لها أكثر من معني
realizeيدرك / يحقق ring خانم / يتصل ب book كتاب / يحجز
matchيطابق/كبريت tieيربط / رابطة

•لاحظ الفرق بين الكلمات الآتية
death الموت deadlyمميت / قاتل deadميت diedمات dieيموت
living معيشة livelyنشيط / بهيج lifeحياة aliveعلى قيد الحياه live live (adj.) على الهواء

•لاحظ التعبيرات والاصطلاحات الاتية:

have a shower يأخذ دش miss the train (bus, plane)يفوته القطار
get upset يتضايق أو ينزعج she was third in the race
تأتى فى المركز الثالث فى السباق
catch the train (bus, plane) يلحق بالقطار earn (his) living يتكسب معيشته
answer the phone / door يرد على win / lose the war ينتصر / يخسر فى الحرب
Science fiction novels روايات الخيال العلمي

Exercises on Vocabulary and language notes:
Choose the correct answer:
1- A (complementary – documentary – commentary – elementary) is written opinions about and descriptions of a subject.
A (diplomat – format – doormat – carpenter) is a person who is employed
by a government to live in another country and speak for the
3- This (infant – grant – giant – vacant) tree is 200 years old.
4- A (politician – musician – magician – technician) is a person who works in politics.
5- A (commentator – announcer – reporter – publisher) is someone who prints something and makes it available for people to buy.
6- I can't think of an (example – explanation – exchange – exercise) for the team playing so badly.
7- His novel was (polished – published – crashed – furnished) a long time ago.
Some people do not realize that Gulliver's Travels is a (contemporary –
commentary – diary – revolutionary) on European politics.
9- When I
was a child, I couldn't think of interesting ideas, so my stories
weren't very (imaginative – negative – protective – relative).
10- (Accountants – Dentists – Clerks - Diplomats) are meeting to discuss relations between our two countries.
11- Churchill was a famous British (electrician – politician – dietician – musician) who was once a prime minister.
12- A/An (adventure – safari – voyage – tour) is a long journey on a ship.
13- You should (lie – tie – try – dye) that plant to the wall to stop it from falling over.
14- The Titanic sank on its first (expedition – flight – shore – voyage) after it hit an iceberg.
15- It is always wrong to (steal – deal – clear - bear) things that belong to other people.
16- Children get upset if their friends (make fun of – make up for – keep up with – put up with) them.
17- Egypt and the Sudan are (considering – neighbouring – preserving – retiring) countries.
18- In a dictionary, the letter n (cancels – deletes – refers – represents) the word noun.
19- In the past, some people believed the earth was flat. What a (true – real – reasonable – ridiculous) idea!
20- The police found the (caught – stealing – robbing – stolen) car 50 kilometers from where it was taken.

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write it correctly
1- The complimentary on the Olympic Games was much better on the other channel.
2- A carpenter represents one country in another.
3- Could you give me a quick exploration of how this machine works?
4- This designer always comes up with new ideas. He is very imaginary.
5- They chose a famous lawyer to present them in court.



• We went to the market. We went to the zoo. (and)
•and: •We went to the market and the zoo.
•Besides + v-ingبالإضافة إلى
• Besides going to the market, we went to the zoo.
•In addition to + v- ingبالإضافة الي
• In addition to going to the market, we went to the zoo.

• In addition بالإضافة إلى ذلك + جملة
•We went to the market. In addition, we went to the zoo.
•as well as + V-ingبالإضافة الي
• As well as going to the market, we went to the zoo.
•لاحظ أن الفاعل واحد في الجملتين في المثال السابق

•إذا استخدمت as well as في ربط جملتين يختلف فيهما الفاعل ، فان الفعل يتبع الفاعل الأول:
• I am very keen on computer. My brother is very keen on computer.
I as well as my brother am very keen on computer.

•not only …….. but also ليس فقط .. ولكن أيضا
•not only …….. but …… as well ليس فقط .. ولكن ... أيضا

• We not only went to the market, but also we went to the zoo.
• We not only went to the market, but we went to the zoo as well.
•إذا بدأت الجملة بـ Not only يستخدم بعدها صيغة سؤال
Not only did we go to the market, but also we went to the zoo.

•الروابط الدالة على السبب:

Because because of adj. +n.
Since + جملة owing to + noun
AS due to v-ing

•تستخدم V+ing إذا كان الفاعل واحد في الجملتين عند استخدام due to / because of / through / owing to
•They arrived at school late. They missed the bus. (because of)
They arrived at school late because of missing the bus..
• The match was cancelled. There was a bad storm. (because of)
The match was cancelled because of a bad storm.
•We stayed in. The weather was cold. (due to)
We stayed in due to the cold weather.
• We lost the match as we played badly. (owing)
We lost the match owing to bad play.
We lost the match owing to playing badly.
• The war was lost. The troops were badly organized. (through)
The war was lost through bad organization of the troops.
• He couldn’t come to the meeting since he was ill. (due to)
He couldn’t come to the meeting due to his illness.
•Since/As he had no money, he couldn’t buy a bike. (Because of)
Because of not having any money, he ----------------.
Because of having no money, he ----------------.
•الفعل المضاف له ing ينفي باستخدام not قبله:
•بدلا من جملة because يمكن أن تبدأ الجملة بــ Being و بعدها الصفة ثم باقي الجملة
• He didn’t go out because he was ill. (Being..)
Being ill, he didn’t go out.
•الروابط الدالة علي التناقض:
But / However

He is young. He is strong.
He is young, but he is strong.
He is young, however he is strong.
He is young. However, he is strong.
•لاحظ أنه إذا بدأت الجملة بـ However يأتي بعدها الصفة ثم الفاعل و الفعل
However young he is, he is strong.

Although/ Though / Even though بالرغم من

He is rich. He feels unhappy.
Although he is rich, he feels unhappy.
•لاحظ ترتيب الجمل مع although / though / even though حيث أن الحدث غيرالمتوقع يأتي في الجملة الثانية .
•و في المثال السابق نجد أن الحدث غير المتوقع هو He feels unhappy

In spite of
Despite علي الرغم من + n. / -ing / adj.+n.

Although he was poor, he felt happy. (In spite of)
In spite of being poor, he felt happy.
In spite of his poverty, he felt happy.

Though there was noise outside, I went to sleep immediately. (Despite)
Despite the noise outside, I went to sleep immediately.

In spite of the fact that
Despite the fact that

The man was a criminal. He was set free. (Despite)
Despite being a criminal, the man was set free.
Despite the fact that the man was a criminal, he was set free.

First Conditional

If + Present simple will / may / can / must

تستخدم الحالة الأولي في حالة عدم وجود present simple و تجد في الجملة
أفعال ناقصة مثل may/must / will أو فعل أمر أو or وتدل علي احتمال وقوع
الحدث :
If I earn some money, I'll go abroad.
 If we have enough time, we'll visit Ahmed.
• وقد تعبر هذه الحالة عن موقف ربما يكون حقيقي في المضارع:
If you are hot, I'll buy you a cool drink.
• لاحظ انه يمكن استخدام فعل أمر في الجزء الثاني من الجملة:

•You may see Frank. If so, give him a message for me, please.. (If…)
If you see Frank, give him a message for me , please.

•She may have enough time tomorrow. If so, she will type the reports. (If…)
If she has enough time tomorrow, she will type the reports.
•She must pay the fine or she will go to jail. (If…)
If she doesn't pay the fine, she will go to jailالسجن .
• لاحظ انه يمكن استخدام it is + adj. + to + inf. في الجزء الثاني من الجملة:
•If you go to Mozambique, it is possible to find work there.
• لاحظ صيغة السؤال مع if
•What will you do if you find yourself in a dangerous situation?
What will happen if you lose all your money?
•تستخدم unless بمعني If not
Unless you study hard you can't pass the exam. (If..)
= If you don't study hard, you can't pass the exam.

While – When – As soon as – Before
While reading the newspaper, I fell asleep.
As soon as I saw it, I wanted to buy it.
When I got home, I did my homework.
Before I went to bed, I phoned my friend.
•لاحظ في الجمل السابقة أن الحدث الأول جاء بعد when / as soon as
•وأن الحدث الثاني جاء بعد before
Exercises on Grammar:
Choose the correct answer:
1- She plays the piano (as – as well – well – and) the violin.
2- Not only (he has been – has he been – he was – he had been) late three times. But also she has
done no work
3- Besides (was – is – are – being) cold the place was damp.
4- He can’t write to his friend (because – because of – as – since) not knowing his address.
5- I had to take a taxi (as – because of – owing to – due to) It was raining heavily.
6- He was put in prison (because – as – since – so) of not paying the fine غرامـة .
7- Many city dwellers move to the country (for the reason that – because of – owing to – due to)
there is a great amount of pollution.
8- Despite (to have – having – he has – has he) limited vocabulary, he speaks English fluently.
9- (However – In spite – Although – Despite) the cost of living here is high, there are many advantages.
10- Frank was very careful, (despite – because – so – however), he lost his money
11- He felt sick (so - because – in order to – unless) he ate too much
12- He says he likes sport. (As – However – So – In order to), he only watches it on TV.
13- He won’t do any work for you (so – although – unless – in order to) you pay him.
14- I continued running (because – in order to – unless- although) I felt very tired.
15- She’s quite healthy (as – unless – even though – because) she never takes any exercise.

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write it correctly
1- They were arrested as breaking the law.
2- He had to apologize owing to he made a shameful mistake.
3- As well as she studied hard, she played tennis regularly.
4- If he reads the questions carefully, he answers them.
5- There were no accidents though the dangerous roads.
6- I like most school subjects because I don't like physics.
7- As soon as seeing the accident, I called the police.
8- However the box was heavy, he could carry it.
9- In addition to he wrote the letter, he saw the film.
10- Because they played very well, they lost the match.

Test on unit 2

1- Respond to the following situations:
a) Your friend bought a new DVD last week. You want to know if he or she has watched it. What do you say?
b) You want to know your friend's opinion of the DVD. What do you say?
c) You want to know if you can watch the DVD when he or she has watched it. What do you say?
d) Your friend agrees to help you. You are very pleased. What do you say?
2- Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are:

a) A. : I’ve finished. What should I do now?
B: Move to exercise B.

b) A. : How long can I keep this book, sir?
B. : Two weeks only.

3. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
1. My brother is 170 cm and my sister is 150 cm. My brother is (taller - as tall as - taller than - taller as) my sister.
2. I am 155 cm and so is my friend. My friend is( as tall as - taller than - tall like -as tall than) me.
3. (. Although - If -Of course - As soon as) I can lend you some money. It’s no problem at all.
4. (Although -If –More - Because) like reading a lot, I am not good at writing.
5. We can go to play tennis (in spite of - although - of course - if) weather is good.
6. I wanted to go to school (while - but - if - as soon as) I was too sick to go.
7. (Although - If - Because – While) Gulliver was travelling at sea, there was a storm.
8. ( As soon as - So - If - While) I finished reading the book, I wanted to start reading it again from the beginning.
9. Watch your bag! If you are not careful, someone might (jump - hit -steal - want) it.
10. I was not able to speak for myself, so I asked a lawyer to (watch - represent - interpret - write)me.
After 10 years in prison, the prisoner was able to (escape – celebrate-
represent - walk) when the guard forgot to take the keys out of his
12. The boys were very unkind to the new student and they (looked at - talked about -made fun of -watched) his big nose.
The teacher decided to (hurt - talk to - punish - sing to) the bad
student by making him stay in the classroom during the lunch break.
14. The crowd of people, who waited in the hot sun for many hours without food and water, really
( laughed - suffered – talked - cried)
15. I need some money. Can I (lend - want - borrow - give) some from you?
Mrs. Allen’s son passed all his examinations successfully, so she
(rewarded - congratulated - helped - laughed) him by buying him driving
4-- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write it correctly
1- The people in our street are very neighbouring. They always help each other.
2- My uncle is a represent for an international oil company.
3- You should not ridiculous people who have different ideas from you.
4- Despite the weather was bad, we went out.
5- He didn't go out as his illness.
6-As well as he goes to the market, he visited some friends.
4. Rewrite using the word in brackets to give the same meaning.
1. I like reading novels for the reason that they take me into a different world. (because)
2. Jonathan Swift started to write. At the same time he was working as a secretary. (while)
3. I’ve never read the book. I heard that Gulliver meets some very small people. (but)
4. I like pizza. Pizza normally has tomatoes in it, which I don’t like. (although)
5. To find out more information about Jonathan Swift, you can look on the internet. (if)

6- Read the following passage and answer the questions: (August, 2002)
lived with his parents until he was 24 years old, and then he got a
job in an office of a big factory in another town, so he left home. He
found a little flat and lived there on his own. At first he cleaned it
himself, but after a few weeks he asked Mrs. Leila to help him. She
promised to come to clean his flat for an hour every morning. After she
had been working for Samer for two weeks, one evening, he looked at the
mirror in his bedroom and thought, “That mirror looks very dusty. Mrs.
Leila’s forgotten to clean it. I can write on the dust with my finger!”
Before he left for work in the morning, he wrote his message on the
dust, “I cough whenever I breathe because everything in this room is
very dusty!”. When he got home that evening, he looked at the mirror and
wondered why she hadn’t cleaned it. Then he bent down and saw a bottle
in front of the mirror. He picked the bottle up and looked at it
carefully. Mrs. Leila had written some words on it. He read the words
“Cough Medicine” and he couldn’t make head nor tail.
A. Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Samer leave his parents’ home?
2- What caused Samer to cough?
3- How did Samer know that Leila had read his message?
4- What do you think of Mrs. Leila? Why?

B. Choose the correct answer:
5- Samer found the mirror dirty after Leila had been working for-------------.
a) a fortnight b) a year c) a month d) fifteen days
6- To ask Mrs. Leila to clean the mirror, Samer-------------------.
a) wrote a letter b) telephoned her c) wrote what he thought on the mirror d) spoke to her
7- When Samer read the words on the bottle, he-----------------.
a) took the medicine b) was happy c) was interested d) was confused

6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions: (June, 2007)
Population problems are different in different parts of the world. For
example, in many European countries the population is getting older. The
birth rate is low because many young people have only one child or none
at all. People are living longer, too. At the moment many old people
are very lonely and often very poor. If people had expected to live so
long, they would probably have saved more money for their retirement.
In Africa, the problems of the future would be very different. There,
the population is doubling every twenty four years, many families
continue to have large numbers of children to look after older people
and to help on the land. However, better medical services have increased
life expectancy and more children survive to become adults. Research
shows that the size of the family is connected with the standard of
women's education. If more girls had gone to school in the last 20
years, family size in Africa would probably not have continued to be so
In contrast, the problem in Asia is not just population growth,
but also overcrowding in many cities. Traditionally, most people have
lived in the countryside, but within the next 25 years more than 65%
will live in cities. If Asian countries had expected this kind of change
20 years ago, they would have tried to provide more work and better
education in the countryside. This is starting to happen now, but it may
be too late.
A. Answer the following questions:
1- Why are many old people in Europe very poor?
2- How can Asian countries solve the problem of overcrowding in many cities?
3- What are the effects of overpopulation in any country?
4- The size of the family is connected with the standard of women's education. Explain.
B. Choose the best answer from a,, b, c or d:
5- A suitable title for the passage can be --------------------------.
a) World Resources b) World Population
c) World Problems d) World Changes
6- "Life expectancy" in the passage means -------------------------.
a) experienced life b) Long life
c) average life d) expanding life
7- In Asia, after 25 years, most people -----------------------.
a) will live in the countryside b) will leave cities
c) will live in cities d) will leave for the countryside

D- Writing
a letter to your friend Martin with whom you spent a week in London.
Thank him for his hospitality and kindness. Your name is Ahmed and you
live at 35 Ramses Street, Cairo.

Guiding words and phrases:
Thank – invitation – enjoy – meet – nice family – delicious food – places visited – shopping – presents – visit Egypt someday

E- Translation
A) Translate into Arabic:
high cost of living is one of the most complicated problems in Egypt.
To bring the prices down, both the government and the individuals should
work together. Investment should be encouraged and production should be
B) Translate into English:

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UNIT 2 للثاني الثانوي
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»  UNIT 1 للثاني الثانوي
» Unit 8 -- Acronyms
» UNIT 2 : Gifts of Youth
» UNIT 4 : Women and Power

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