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| موضوع: Pimsleur - French I-II-III Livre + Audio CD الجمعة أغسطس 12 2011, 02:39 | |
Pimsleur - French I-II-III (Livre + Audio CD)
Pimsleur : apprenez vraiment les langues étrangères
Voilà une méthode de langues que je viens de découvrir et qui est impressionnante d'efficacité. Pimsleur est une méthode peu connue en France et une des raisons est, qu'à part l'Anglais pour les français, toutes les autres langues s'apprennent à partir de l'Anglais. Méthode orale et très active, on parle la langue dès la première leçon en répétant et traduisant les phrases et du coup l'apprentissage en est accéléré. A la différence de beaucoup de méthodes, celle-ci est exclusivement orale et permet d'assimiler très vite les rudiments de la langue choisie pour nous permettre de nous débrouiller dans les situations les plus classiques.
Quand on découvre cette méthode on est enthousiasmé et toutes les autres paressent fades. Pour apprendre une nouvelle langue ou en rafraîchir votre connaissance d'une autre, pour vous lancer dans une nouvelle aventure, cette méthode sera un bon compagnon French Levels I, II & III - Lessons 1-90
Save money with these French Pimsleur Audios language downloads and start your first French lesson in a few minutes from now. Speak your first French phrases in only a few hours from now, it's possible! French (français) is today spoken around the world by 72 to 160 million people as a native language, and by about 280 to 500 million people as a second or third language, with significant s in 54 countries. Most native s of the language live in France, where the language originated, and in Canada, Belgium and Switzerland. French is a descendant of the Latin language of the Roman Empire, as are languages such as Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Catalan and Romanian. Its development was also influenced by the native Celtic languages of Roman Gaul and by the Germanic language of the post-Roman Frankish invaders. French is an official language in 31 countries, most of which form what is called in French La Francophonie, the community of French-speaking nations. It is an official language of all United Nations agencies and a large number of international organizations. Includes 48 hours of spoken language practice in ninety 30-minute audio lessons from the Pimsleur French Level I, Level II and Level III programs and the Readings from each level, as well as Levels I, II and III Reading Booklets.
Also includes a User’s Guide to introduce you to the Pimsleur Method.
Devised by language educator Dr Paul Pimsleur, Simon and Schuster’s Pimsleur Language courses provide the listener with a comprehensive, self instructional, step-by-step guide on how to learn a new language. The Pimsleur approach is so effective because it is based on tried and tested techniques and principles that have proved to enable rapid and successful language learning. The unique audio method allows the listener to learn pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar without repetitive rote learning, in a similar way to how we acquired our native language components. هنا
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