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The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial 613623
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The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial 613623
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ادارة المنتدي The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial 103798
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 The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial

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ذكر عدد المساهمات : 34923
نقاط : 160199
السٌّمعَة : 1074
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/05/2009
الموقع : http://www.autoformer.net/

The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial   The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Dc3srhibiyuaw8ppyxj6الثلاثاء أبريل 26 2011, 00:33

Step 1 Prepare the Initial Stock Image

I have found a really nice photo on deviantart.com
Mr. Hatter VI by ~MaithiranStock
so I decided that I had to make this photo manipulation.
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter11
Use Filter - Liquify Tool (Shift+Ctrl+X) and with the Forward Warp Tool change
the hat shape like in the image:
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter12
Another thing that I have to change are the eyes. Download the big size image with
the hatter and crop the eyes. Create a layer for each eye and place them in the
right place. Start blending by erasing carefully the skin and keeping only the eye.
Use the Blur tool to soften the edges.
Like in any blending process you need to work slowly and take care of every detail.
Go to Image – Adjustments – Brightness/Contrast and increase contrast
like in the image:
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter13
Another thing you have to do is to use the Brush Tool to paint over the eye with
#655d47 color. The size of the brush is 3px. Use also the Dodge Tool to lighten
the white area of the eye. After you treat the both eyes you should obtain something
like this:
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter14

Step 2 Add a Few Fancy Details to the Hat

Now let's add some features from the mad hatter character. For the hat I will paint
a scarf over. So with the Pen Tool draw a simple shape, color #d52d00:
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter21
Rasterize the layer and with the Burn Tool selected do the following settings and
draw little curly lines like in the image:
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Do the same but this time with the Dodge Tool:
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter23
Add light shadow and light with the same tool until you obtain a good result. This
is the best result I could obtain in 5 minutes with the mouse not the graphic tablet.
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Now lets add some more features. Add a card with the text “10/6 “ attached
on the hat.
Copy this image THE_QUEEN
by *QBit71
and resize it. Use the Clone Tool to gently hide the queen image. You can actually
fix just half of the card the visible one . If is a really powerful tool.
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter25
Change the contrast a little and than use the Warp tool from the Edit - Transform
– Warp.
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter26
Erase the bottom part and use the Burn/Dodge Tool to add a more old look to the
card. Also add with the Burn Tool a shadow where the scarf meets the play card.
Add the text 10/6 , Georgia , Italic, 24 pt , Sharp, color#3e3522. Create 3 text
layers one for each character. Rasterize the 3 text layers and with the the Dodge
Tool try to lighten the color of the text on small areas to look more like it is
written on the card and to blend even more.
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter27
Another thing is to add a hat accessory like in the image. Simple shape with Burn/Dodge
Tool light accents and of course don't forget to add a black shadow opacity 35%.
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter28
Add lace to the hat. Copy this nice lace texture
Lace 4 by *gild-a-stock
and place it over the hat, remove the unnecessary part. Change the blending mode
of lace layer to Soft Light 100%.
Use also the Dodge Tool in the indicated area but this time in the actual hat layer
to make the lace pattern more visible!
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter29

Step 3 Apply Skin Smoothing

I forgot to do something. Select only the face area and copy paste it in another
layer than add Surface Blur like in the image:
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Step 4 Add the Neck Bow

Let's add the
Pink Bow by ~RandomResources
. As you can see it is a glossy plastic bow and I need fabric texture. So copy,
crop and resize the bow to 50%. We will adjust the size later if needed. So the
next thing to do is to reduce the light parts. For that use the Eyedropper Tool
to pick the color and then with the Brush Tool cover the white areas.
You will have to work carefully to obtain a good result.
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter41
You will have to obtain something like this:

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The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter43

Use the Filter – Blur – Smart Blur with the above settings to smoothen
the surface. It looks like silk now not like plastic.
Let's change the color of the bow with Image – Adjustments – Hue/Saturation
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Ok! Use the Burn/Dodge Tool to darken/lighten parts of the bow, for example add
the face shadow.
Another thing that we have to do is to place the bow under the hand and tea cup.
For that we must to gently erase that areas. Duplicate the bow layer and work with
the duplicate in case you don't succeed with the erasing part!
For good results lower the opacity of Bow Layer to 50% so that you can see exactly
what areas need to be removed!
So this is the result so far :
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter45
Create a new layer, select the shape of Bow Layer and color it in black in this
new layer. Place it below the initial layer. This will be the shadow. Change the
opacity to 45% and make sure the shadow drops only on the surfaces that are below
the bow, the rest erase it.
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Another thing is to add pattern to the bow. With the Brush Tool , size 20 px , color
white, draw in a new layer above the Bow Layer round shapes. Change the blending
mode to Overlay, 70%. To darken some areas I have used the Eraser Tool, opacity
20%. We will obtain a realistic result.
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter47

Step 5 Add the Mad Hatter's Old Pocket Watch

I will add now an old watch in the Mad Hatter s pocket. So copy this old watch Stock 18-02
by ~deadshadows-stock and
resize it and place it like in the image.
The treatment for this image is relative easy. I will first change the Brightness
/ Contrast balance :
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter51
Remove the background and keep only the watch without the chain. Add Surface Blur:
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter52
Now make a selection of the area that is inside the pocket and remove it from the
watch layer. With the same selection copy a part from the pocket (mad hatter initial
image) and paste it into another layer. The reason for that is to create he illusion
that the watch is in the pocket. For this layer make the following settings:
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter53
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter54
Duplicate the watch layer. Make the bottom watch black and move it and rotate it
a little. Change the opacity to 60%. Now the result is this:
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Step 6 Add The Sleeves and The Glove

In this step I will first add a glove to the Mad Hatter on the right hand. Create
the shape of the glove in another layer with the Pen Tool, paths selected. Fill
Path with the color #815136 .
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter61
Change the Blending mode of this layer to Multiply 100%. Add Drop Shadow like in
the image:
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter62
Add another layer below this one and copy this texture
Fabric 5 by *texurestockbyhjs
, resize it and rotate it in place. Select the Glove Shape and crop the fabric texture.
Change the Fabric texture Layer to Multiply 55%.
The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter63
As for the sleeves part I have decided to make my own stock photos because I did
not find proper ones. So here are the images for the right and left sleeve.
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All I have to do is easily crop only the sleeves, resize them and put them in place.
It is an easy yet time consuming step. You will have to use Warp Tool also to gie
the right perspective.
Use also the Burn Tool to darken the areas where the white sleeves meet the suit
dark sleeves. Try to obtain a realist look.
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Step 7 The Hair

Well the hair is always a challenge for me. I will try to digital paint it with
my digital tablet. I am not good at hat but I will do my best.
Draw the Shape of the Hair. Start paining with tones of orange and red. Use the
Dodge and Burn Tool to obtain similar tones.3. Stop when you obtain a nice cartoon
like result.
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Step 8 Mad Hatter Shadow

When all the Mad Hatter pieces are in place, select the old shadow from the initial
layer and place it in another layer. Draw the missing elements like the hair, bow,
hat, etc. Color the Shadow with color #807777.
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Step 9 Add Background Texture

Create a new layer below all the layers except the initial layer and fill it with
color #396708. Change the blending mode to Overlay 100%. Select the Mad Hatter shape
and remove the selection from this background 1 layer.
Create another layer this time above all the layers. Copy this beautiful green texture
Texture by ~calajane
Change the blending mode of this layer to Overlay 100%.
Another ting that you must do is to select again the shape of the Mad Hatter and
with the Background 2 Layer selected, add Surface Blur.
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The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial Mad-hatter92
Add the “The Mad Hatter” text with a very beautiful font inspired by
Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland movie logo
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

So this is the final result ! I hope you like it!

The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Photoshop Tutorial The-mad-hatter-from-alice-in-wonderland
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