You need to contact T-mobile for the subsidy unlock code. This is a free process. Once you have the code here are the instructions for entering it in the device:
How to Enter Unlock Codes on Samsung E Series & all other models:
E100, E105, E116, E200, E210, E217, E250, E250D, E250V, E300, E310,
E315, E316, E317, E318, E320, E330, E335, E340, E350, E356, E360, E370,
E380, E390, E400, E418, E420, E480, E490, E500, E530, E560, E570, E590,
E600, E610, E620, E630, E635, E640, E650, E690, E700, E710, E715, E720,
E730, E740, E750, E760, E770, E780, E790, E800, E810, E820, E830, E840,
E850, E860, E870, E880, E890, E900, E910, E950
Switch ON your phone with a not accepted SIM card
Phone will ask for the "Password" - Enter Unlock Code
OR (if phone shows "Insert Correct SIM Card")
Switch ON your phone with a not accepted SIM card
Compose : #0111*CODE#
Press the SEND key and the display should read, "Personalization Cancelled"
NOTE: "Not Yet Personalized" will be displayed if it has already been unlocked
NOTICE: If these instructions do not work on first attempt please report
model and code error so that we can find more specific instructions for
your exact model.
Source(s): [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]