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VTC: C++ Video Tutorials 613623
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VTC: C++ Video Tutorials 613623
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 VTC: C++ Video Tutorials

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ذكر عدد المساهمات : 2384
نقاط : 60503
السٌّمعَة : 4
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/02/2010
العمر : 29

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مُساهمةموضوع: VTC: C++ Video Tutorials   VTC: C++ Video Tutorials Dc3srhibiyuaw8ppyxj6الإثنين سبتمبر 13 2010, 02:13

C++ Video Tutorials from Virtual Training Company (VTC)
Author: L. Lee | ISBN: 1930519079 | Duration: 5 hrs / 43 lessons | Video Format: .mov (QuickTime Movie)
Compatibility: Win Vista, XP, 2000, Mac OS X, Linux

C Plus Plus (C++) is a programming language that is both procedure-oriented and object-oriented. In VTC?s tutorial, Professor Arthur Lee will explain the environment of C++, then guide you into writing equations, creating functions and output, looping, and much more.

* Quick and easy way to learn C++ through a series of movies.
* No expensive classroom training courses.
* No boring hard to follow books to read.
* Learn from your own desk at a pace that suits you.
* High quality affordable training that is easy to use and follow.
* Use our unique training method, it makes learning easy no matter what your learning style.


Intro to C++ & the Environment
* Intro to C/C++ (02:33)
* The C++ Environment (07:02)
* Completing the Sample Program (06:00)
* Compiling & Executing Programs (04:35)
* Common errors (04:53)
* Saving & Exiting; other errors (02:55)

Variables,Constants, & Math Statements
* Variables (04:09)
* Data Types (04:15)
* Declaration statements & Initializing variables (05:03)
* Declaring Constants (02:12)
* Assignment Statements vs. Prompting for user input (04:34)

The String Data Type; Equations
* Character vs. String data (04:12)
* Using the getline function and the strcpy function (04:30)
* Writing equations and Type casting (04:32)
* Putting it all Together: Demo of complete program (03:34)
* Debugging Demo (04:28)

Programmer-Defined Functions
* Creating Programmer-Defined Functions (04:28)
* Details of Function prototypes, definition and the calling statement (04:10)
* Scope & Lifetime issues; Passing data with functions (06:10)
* Passing Variables by Value and by Reference (05:15)
* Functions that Return Values (04:47)
* Debugging Demo (02:44)

Creating Output (formatting and creating files)
* Stream Manipulators (formatting output) (03:56)
* The Output File Stream: Accessing the Output File (05:40)
* Demo Program (Demo 12) to Illustrate (03:17)
* Debugging Demo (04:03)

Using the if Statement
* Syntax of a Conditional Statement (03:39)
* Relational Operators (02:11)
* Executing if Logic (one statement vs. block) (04:50)
* Assignment Operator vs. Equality Operator (02:19)
* Logical Operators (symbols for: and, or, not) (05:36)

Other Functions; Nested if Statements
* Converting to Upper/Lower Case (04:50)
* Comparing Strings (strcmp and stricmp functions) (04:43)
* The Strlen Function (02:32)
* Nested if Statement Structure (03:33)
* Demo of Complete Program (04:00)

* Overview of the Looping Structures (07:08)
* Demo of the While Loop (03:23)
* Demo of the Do-While Loop (05:57)
* Demo of the For Loop (03:25)
* Counters and Accumulators in Loops (01:27)
* Demo of Complete Program (05:41)
* Increment/Decrement Operator (what does C++ mean?)* (02:38)

Download from Rapidshare (Size: 15 MB)

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